GitHub’s API Rate Limits can be confusing and difficult to work with. This library makes it easy to check the rate limits with one line of code!

What is it?

GitHubApiStatus is an  open-source library,  available on NuGet, to make it easy to understand and leverage the  Rate Limits for all of GitHub’s APIs:

  • GitHub’s REST API
  • GitHub’s Search API
  • GitHub’s GraphQL API
  • GitHub’s Source Import API
  • GitHub’s App Manifest Configuration API

Each GitHub API has different rate limiting rules. For example, you may exceed the rate limit for GitHub’s REST API, but that does not mean you’ve exceeded the rate limit for GitHub’s GraphQL API.

Why Does This Exist?

If you’ve ever had to use the GitHub REST APIs, you may be familiar with  GitHub’s API Rate Limits:

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Introducing GitHubApiStatus
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