In this course, you will learn how to build REST APIs using Spring boot.
You will get hands-on experience building REST APIs using Spring boot in this course.

Spring Boot is an opinionated framework that helps developers build Spring-based applications quickly and easily. The main goal of Spring Boot is to quickly create Spring-based applications without requiring developers to write the same boilerplate configuration again and again.

📚Course Contents 📚
⌚ [0:00:00] - Course Intro
⌚ [0:00:00] - Create Spring boot application in STS
⌚ [0:00:00] - Create Simple Spring Boot REST API – Hello World
⌚ [0:00:00] - Spring Boot REST API returns Java bean
⌚ [0:00:00] - Create Spring Boot REST API returns List
⌚ [0:00:00] - Spring Boot REST API with Path Variable - @PathVariable
⌚ [0:00:00] - Spring Boot REST API with Request Param - @RequestParam
⌚ [0:00:00] - Spring Boot Project Architecture
⌚ [0:00:00] - Create Custom Exception
⌚ [0:00:00] - Create JPA Entity and Spring Data JPA repository
⌚ [0:00:00] - Configure MySQL database
⌚ [0:00:00] - Build Create Resource REST API - @PostMapping
⌚ [0:00:00] - Build Get All Resource REST API - @GetMapping
⌚ [0:00:00] - Build Get Single Resource By ID REST API - @GetMapping
⌚ [0:00:00] - Build Update Resource REST API - @PutMapping
⌚ [0:00:00] - Build Delete Resource REST API - @DeleteMapping
and more …

#spring-boot #rest #api #java #programming

Spring Boot Restful Web Services Tutorial | Full Course ✅ | REST API | Spring Boot for Beginners
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