For JavaScript Apps (Part 2/2)

This publication is a continuation of Building a Continuous Delivery + Branching Process with Github Actions, Vercel and Heroku for JavaScript Applications [EP. 1/2], where we modeled a workflow for the Continuous Delivery of the project’s web stack used in the examples. If you haven’t read the previous post, I suggest you read it.

Recap and objectives

In the previous post, I describe the objectives and motivations for this strategy.

We will model a process that permeates the project’s branching activities, creating an isolated and secure preview in the cloud.

1.0 — Detailed view of the branching strategy with production of cloud artifacts, initially published in the article before this one.

We added the deployment-step job, setting the VUE_APP_API environment variable with a dynamic API URL according to the branch we are currently working on.

Now we will finish the entire workflow by applying a deployment-step job also in the API, generating the dynamic URL for our application hosted on Heroku.

Adding the Deployment Job to Heroku

As in the last post, I will split this topic into two parts.

First, we’ll get the secrets needed for the action’s inputs.

We’ll add to deployment-step, secrets to required inputs. Afterwards, we will make the declaration of the branch that the action will respond by and we will build the dynamic URL.

#github-actions #javascript #vercel #heroku #github

Let’s Build a Continuous Delivery & Branching Process with Github Actions, Vercel & Heroku
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