This is Part 2/2 in my series on setting up a minimal Node.js & Express project using Babel. Check out Part 1 here:

A Minimal Node.js, Express, & Babel Setup

In Part 1, I set up Babel in a fresh Node / Express project, talked about Node versioning, set up scripts to use Babel for development and production, and considered whether Babel is still worth it (tldr; I think either direction is fair).

In this post, we’ll work through setting up ESLint and Prettier in our Node project, and then look specifically at a couple setup options I use in VS Code. Why is this setup in my “minimal setup” series? I think it’s key to kick off your project with some automatic styling and static checks for best practices / bug detection out of the box.

#prettier #nodejs #javascript #vscode

A Minimal ESlint, Prettier, & VS Code Setup
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