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What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, where HTML defines the structure of the web-page and CSS helps us to change the appearance of the HTML. HTML without CSS is ugly, therefore HTML and CSS go hand in hand. The version of CSS that we are gonna use here is known as the CSS3 (like HTML5). Apart from the structure and appearance, if you want to add functionality to the webpage, then we need something known as the Javascript which will be the topic for another blog, so now without further adue, let us dive into CSS3.

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Why CSS?

The best thing about CSS is that it allows you to make global changes throughout your website thereby maintaining a consistent appearance. It means that you don’t have to change each and every page individually, instead, CSS helps you to change every instance of a particular element in a single go, saving you loads of time!

Here’s an example, where H1 is the heading tag of your website, and suppose you have multiple H1 tags in your website and you want to change all of their colors at once, then all you gotta do is define how the H1 would wanna look like, in your CSS file.

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CSS Basics for Absolute Beginners
1.10 GEEK