I've got a mathematical formula in Excel, which is the following:
Initial values:
Results (t means time in months).
Here is my Javascript approach:
(function _calculateRates() { var singlePayment = parseInt(1000, 10), amount = singlePayment, monthlyPayment = parseInt(0, 10), investTime = parseFloat(12), rate_a = parseFloat(0.03), rate_b = parseFloat(0.03), investment = monthlyPayment, interest = 0;for (var month = 0; month < investTime; month += 1) {
investment = (month === 0) ? 0 : monthlyPayment;interest = Number(((amount + investment) * (rate_a / 100) / 12).toFixed(2)); amount = Number((amount + interest + investment).toFixed(2));
console.log('Result: ', amount);
As one can see, the result is not correct.
Where can I find the Microsoft Excel algorithm for ROUND() ?
#javascript #excel #algorithm