The goal of this guide is to show you how to update a graph in real-time. This can be used for a variety of applications like visualizing live data from sensors or tracking stock prices.

In this tutorial, the data will be static but can easily be used on live data. You’ll, of course, need to have **MatPlotlib **and **Pandas **installed on your local machine or virtual environment.

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

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FuncAnimation’ is the method that we’ll be using to update the graph continuously giving it that live effect.

We will be using **MatPlotLib **in this tutorial to generate our graphs and the **panda’s **library to read CSV files.

Initialize the subplot

We’re going to create a subplot to make it easier for us to draw on the same plot over and over again.

Creating the Animation Method

#animation #data-visualization #data-science #plot #python

Animate Data Using Python
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