React table component GridManager-React

GridManager React .The React-based GridManager package is used to conveniently use the GridManager in React. Except for the React features, other APIs are the same as the GridManager API.


Realize function

Features Description
Width adjustment The column width of the table can be dragged and adjusted
Position change Drag-and-drop adjustment of the column position of the table
Configure Columns Columns can be displayed or hidden through configuration
Table head ceiling In the case of a visible area of ​​the table, the table head will always exist on the top
Column Fixed Specify a column to be fixed on the left or right
Sorting Single item sorting or combined sorting of table
Pagination Form ajax pagination, including selecting the total number of items displayed on each page and jumping to the specified page function
User preference memory Remember user behavior, including user-adjusted column width, column order, column visual status and the number of items displayed on each page
Serial number Automatically generate serial number column
Select All Automatically generate select all columns
Export Static data export, dynamic data export, selected data export
Print Current page print
Right-click menu Common functions can be quickly operated in the menu
Filtering Achieve quick search results by filtering columns
Merge Cells with the same value in the same column can be automatically merged
Tree table Tree table structure can be quickly realized through configuration
Row movement Can quickly realize row position movement through configuration


This document is the native GridManager document. The react version columnData.text columnData.template topFullColumn.templatecan be used in the same way except that the react template can be used in it.


This example is an example of the native GridManager. The react version columnData.text columnData.template topFullColumn.templatecan be used in the same way except that the react template can be used in it.

Core code

Development environment

ES2015 + webpack + React + GridManager

Reference in the project

  • es2015 introduction method
import ReactGridManager from 'gridmanager-react';
import 'gridmanager-react/css/gm-react.css';
  • Introduced by script tag
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../node_modules/gridmanager-react/css/gm-react.css">
<script src="../node_modules/gridmanager-react/js/gm-react.js"></script>


<div id="example"></div>
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import GridManager from 'gridmanager-react';
import 'gridmanager-react/css/gm-react.css';

// Component: action column 
function  ActionInner ( props )  { 
    const  actionAlert  =  event  =>  { 
        alert ( 'The action bar th is rendered by the React template' ) ; 
    } ; 
    return  < span  onClick = { actionAlert }  style = { { display : 'block' ,  color : 'red' } } > { props . text } < / span > ;

function ActionComponents(props) {
    return <ActionInner text={props.text}/>;

// Component: empty template 
function  EmptyTemplate ( props )  { 
    return  ( 
        < section  style = { { textAlign : 'center' } } > 
            { props . Text } 
        < / section > 
    ) ; 

// 组件: 标题
function TitleComponents(props) {
    return (
        <a href={'!zone/blog/content.html?id=' +} target={'_black'}>{props.row.title}</a>

// Component: type 
function  TypeComponents ( props )  { 
    // blog post type 
    const  TYPE_MAP  =  { 
        '1' : 'HTML/CSS' , 
        '2' : 'nodeJS' , 
        '3' : 'javaScript' , 
        '4' : ' 'Front-end chicken soup' , 
        '5' : 'PM Coffee' , 
        '6' : 'Front-end framework' , 
        '7' : 'Front-end related' 
    } ; 
    return  ( 
        < button >{TYPE_MAP[props.type]}</button>

// Component: delete 
function  DeleteComponents ( props )  { 
    const  { index , row }  =  props ; 
    const  deleteAction  =  event  =>  { 
        if ( window . Confirm ( `Confirm that you want to delete the current page [ ${ event . Target . GetAttribute ( ' data-index' ) } ] [' ${ event . target . title } ]?` ) ) {
            console . log ( '----Delete operation start----' ) ; 
            GridManager . refreshGrid ( option . gridManagerName ) ; 
            console . log ( 'The data has not changed is normal, because this is just an example, and will not be true delete data '. ) ; 
            Console . log ( ' the operation is completed ---- ---- ' ) ; 
    } ;

    return (
        <span className={'plugin-action'} onClick={deleteAction} data-index={index} title={row.title}>删除</span>

// Table component configuration 
const  option  =  { 
    gridManagerName : 'testReact' , 
    height : '100%' , 
    emptyTemplate : < EmptyTemplate  text = { 'This React table, there is no data' } / > , 
    columnData : [ { 
        key : ' pic' , 
        remind : 'the pic' , 
        width : '110px' , 
        text : 'thumbnail' , 
        template : ( pic , row) => {
            return (
                <img style={{width: '90px', margin: '0 auto'}} src={'' + pic} title={}/>
        key: 'title',
        remind: 'the title',
        text: '标题',
        template: <TitleComponents/>
        key: 'type',
        remind: 'the type',
        text: '分类',
        align: 'center',
        template: (type, row, index) => {
            return <TypeComponents type={type}/>;
        key : 'info' , 
        remind : 'the info' , 
        text : 'instructions for use' 
    } , { 
        key : 'username' , 
        remind : 'the username' , 
        text : 'author' , 
        // Use the function to return the dom node 
        template : ( username ,  row ,  index )  =>  { 
            return  ( 
                < a  href = { '' }  target = {'_black' } > { username } < / a > 
            ) ; 
    } , { 
        key : 'createDate' , 
        remind : 'the createDate' , 
        width : '100px' , 
        text : 'Create time' , 
        sorting : 'DESC' , 
        // Use function to return htmlString 
        template : function ( createDate ,  rowObject ) { 
            return  new  Date (createDate ) . toLocaleDateString ( ) ; 
    ) , { 
        key : 'lastDate' , 
        remind : 'the lastDate' , 
        width : '120px' , 
        text : 'last modified time' , 
        sorting : '' , 
        // use function to return htmlString 
        template : function ( lastDate ,  rowObject ) { 
            return  new  Date ( lastDate ) . toLocaleDateString( ) ; 
    } , { 
        key : 'action' , 
        remind : 'the action' , 
        width : '100px' , 
        disableCustomize : true , 
        text : < ActionComponents  text = { 'Action' } / > , 
        // Shortcut, will Automatically add row and index attributes to the props of the component 
        template : < DeleteComponents / > 
    } ] , 
    supportRemind : true ,
    isCombSorting:  true,
    supportAjaxPage: true,
    supportSorting: true,
    ajaxData: '',
    ajaxType: 'POST',

// Render callback 
const  the callback  =  Query  =>  { 
    Console . Log ( 'the callback =>' ,  Query ) ; 
} ;

ReactDOM . The render ( 
    < GridManager 
        option = { option }  // CI option may be expanded in 
        height = { '100%' }  // parameter commencement option will overwrite the value in 
        the callback = { the callback } 
    / > , 
    document . querySelector ( '#example' ) 
) ;

Call public method

Introduce GridManager through ES6 syntax.

import GridManager, {$gridManager} from 'gridmanager-react';

// Refresh the 
GridManager . RefreshGrid ( 'testReact' ) ;  // or $gridManager.refreshGrid('testReact');

// Update query conditions 
GridManager . setQuery ( 'testReact' ,  { name : 'baukh' } ) ;  // or $gridManager.setQuery('testReact', (name:'baukh'));

// ... For more, please visit API directly

View current version

Import  GridManagerReact ,  { $ gridManager }  from  'gridmanager-REACT' ; 
Console . log ( 'GridManagerReact version =>' ,  GridManagerReact . Version ) ; 
Console . log ( 'GridManager version =>' ,  $ gridManager . Version ) ;

Download Details:

Author: baukh789

Source Code:

#react #reactjs #javascript

React table component GridManager-React
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