The annual Analytics India Salary report presented by AIM and AnalytixLabs is the only annual study in India that delves into salary trends and provides a comprehensive view of the changing landscape of analytics salaries. The report, now in its seventh year, look at the distribution of average salaries across several categories including years of experience, metropolitan regions, industries, education levels, gender, tools, and skills.

The Data Analytics function is experiencing significant growth and development in terms of skills, capabilities, and funding. Last year, despite the pandemic, the Indian start-up industry witnessed $836.3 million investment, almost a 10% (9.7%) increase than the previous year. Also, more than one in five (21%) analytics teams across firms in India witnessed a growth in the last 12 months and the post-pandemic job market saw an upswing of data science jobs. The development of the data science domain is evidenced by the high salaries drawn by analytics professionals across the organization, with Analytics professionals doing relatively well in spite of the pandemic.``````

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AI & Data Science India Salary Study - 2021
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