This Apache Spark full course will help you learn the basics of Big Data, what Apache Spark is, and the architecture of Apache Spark. Then, you will understand how to install Apache Spark on Windows and Ubuntu. You will look at the important components of Spark, such as Spark Streaming, Spark MLlib, and Spark SQL. Finally, you will get an idea about implement Spark with Python in PySpark tutorial and look at some of the important Apache Spark interview questions.

Below topics are explained in this Apache Spark Full Course:

  1. Animated Video
  2. History of Spark
  3. What is Spark
  4. Hadoop vs spark
  5. Components of Apache Spark
  6. Spark Architecture
  7. Applications of Spark
  8. Spark Use Case
  9. Running a Spark Application
  10. Apache Spark installation on Windows
  11. Apache Spark installation on Ubuntu
  12. What is Spark Streaming
  13. Spark Streaming data sources
  14. Features of Spark Streaming
  15. Working of Spark Streaming
  16. Discretized Streams
  17. caching/persistence
  18. checkpointing in spark streaming
  19. Demo on Spark Streaming
  20. What is Spark MLlib
  21. What is Machine Learning
  22. Machine Learning Algorithms
  23. Spark MLlib Tools
  24. Spark MLlib Data Types
  25. Machine Learning Pipelines
  26. Spark MLlib Demo
  27. What is Spark SQL
  28. Spark SQL Features
  29. Spark SQL Architecture
  30. Spark SQL Data Frame
  31. Spark SQL Data Source
  32. Spark SQL Demo
  33. What is PySpark
  34. PySpark Features
  35. PySpark with Python and Scala
  36. PySpark Contents
  37. PySpark Sub packages
  38. Companies using PySpark
  39. PySpark Demo
  40. Spark Interview Questions

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Apache Spark Full Course | Spark Tutorial For Beginners | Complete Spark Tutorial
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