As the CTO of Ytel, Inc., I work a lot with communications technology and machine learning. MMS is typically the defacto standard when it comes to sending photos back and forth on a mobile device outside of downloaded OTT applications. RCS is now starting to appear on mobile devices, and media sharing is expected to accelerate. I thought it would be interesting to see how hard it would be to build out an IoT type device outside the Google Cloud Platform proper that can interact with some of Google’s prebuilt AI models and interpret this media.

I will provide some tools and code that will allow you to build a demo that will take a photo of a scene, analyze it, and then speak back the results.

To fully build out the proof of concept you will need:

  • A Raspberry Pi
  • A Raspberry Pi Camera
  • A Google Cloud Platform account

#photography #machine-learning #google-cloud-platform #raspberry-pi #iot

Google AI Vision & Text to Speech on a Raspberry Pi
1.55 GEEK