GitHub is the largest developer platform, with more than 56 million developers around the globe. The latest State of the Octoverse report by  GitHub dived deep into some of the popular communities, including the relatively new COVID community and revealed the categories and actions by the users. The  COVID community is said to have relied on over 1,700 repositories — the work of almost 383,000 contributors from over 200 countries.

Here is a list of the top ten  GitHub repositories that the  COVID communities relied heavily on, amid pandemic.

Note: The list is in order of their ranking


DefinitelyTyped is a repository for high-quality TypeScript type definitions. It is one of the most popular repositories of Declaration Files for various JavaScript libraries, most of which do not provide their own declaration files. With the help of this repo, developers can easily implement and use the popular JavaScript libraries.

Safe-buffer (feross/safe-buffer)






ChALkeR / safer-buffer

Node-semver (npm/ node-semver)

Mime-types (jshttp / mime-types)

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Top 10 GitHub Repositories That COVID Communities Relied on
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