In this section, we will learn about Docker Compose, its file, and its commands, using a sample application developed by Docker called the Voting App.

  1. Introduction
  2. Docker File
  3. Basic Docker Commands
  4. Port and Volume Mapping
  5. Docker Networking
  6. Docker Storage
  7. Docker Compose (You are here!)
  8. Deleting Docker Entities

The Voting App is a Flask application written in Python to vote between Cats and Dogs.

Image for post

This vote is then transferred to Redis, which acts as an in-memory DB here. The worker application, written in .NET, then processes this vote and inserts it in the persistent database — the Postgres container here.

Image for post

Finally, the result of the vote is displayed via a web application that is written in NodeJS.

Image for post

Web Application in NodeJS

I highly encourage you to clone this application and play around with it, even if you do not know anything about Docker Compose yet. If you can appreciate the fact that these services are running on 5 different containers you already have your motivation to continue reading.

git clone

cd example-voting-app/
docker-compose up

#docker-compose #docker #docker-networking #design-systems #dockerfiles

Docker called the Voting App.
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