The generator functions are one-way communication i.e we can retrieve information from generator using next() ,but we cannot interact with it or affect its execution while running.

First let’s understand generator.send()


It is used to send value to a generator that just yielded.

def double_inputs():
    while True:
        x = yield
        yield x * 2
gen = double_inputs()
next(gen) ## run upto the first yield
print(gen.send(10)) ## goes into x variable -->20
next(gen) ## run upto the next yield
print(gen.send(6)) --> 12
next(gen) ## runs upto next yield
print(gen.send(45)) ## foes into x again -->90
next(gen) ## runs upto the next yield
print(gen.send(78)) ## goes int x again --> 156

#multithreading #object-oriented #iterators #python #python3

“yield from” , “generators.send()” and coroutines in python with examples.
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