A Tinde Card Widget build with flutter


Tinder/TanTan Card Widget.



Getting Started

  1. Depend on it by adding this to your pubspec.yaml file: flutter_tindercard: ^x.x.x

  2. Import it: import 'package:flutter_tindercard.dart'

  3. Add TinderSwapCard in your widget layout and write the single card layout builder you need, then you get a Tinder(探探) like swap card widget!

  4. Use CardSwipeCompleteCallback for the swiped orientation and index!

  5. Use CardController to trigger swap from outside. Init a CardController as param for widget, and invoke method triggerLeft/Right of your CardController to trigger swipe!

  6. Use CardDragUpdateCallback to get swiping card’s detail.


See Here

Download Details:

Author: ShaunRain

Source Code: https://github.com/ShaunRain/flutter_tindercard

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

A Tinde Card Widget build with flutter
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