Every technopreneur who is about to start their startup remains in a huge dilemma over choosing the right programming language for their project. It is much obvious because they are not techies or from a technical background.

Choosing a programming language for your startup entirely depends on your project needs, your budget, and other parameters. This write-up is for those professionals who want to plug into the small or web-based tech business and are muddle-headed to make a fair choice between Java and PHP.

Looking at the popularity, PHP has been used by 81.25 percent of the tech companies worldwide just to build their web applications. Without a doubt, PHP is the best choice for website development.

Coming to the comparison part, it’s really hard to figure the best between Java and PHP as both come with a diverse set of pros and cons. This article will help the entrepreneurs choose between Java and PHP by bringing out the key differences between the two.

#java #php #web-development #programming #developer

PHP Over Java? Or Is It Java Over PHP?
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