Laravel Socialite package makes it simple to authenticate users to Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub, etc. You can authenticate your users for the purpose of connecting their pre-existing user account to a third-party service, but you can also use it as your primary login method, which we’ll be talking about here.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a Github Login in Laravel socialite (Laravel 8 Socialite Github Login Tutorial).

so, we have seen many websites are using Github social login. but this tutorial we can easily create the Github social login using the laravel socialite package. so you can follow the below step.

  • Step 1: Install Laravel
  • Step 2: Setting Database Configuration
  • Step 3: Create Table using migration
  • Step 4: Install Package
  • Step 5: Add providers and aliases
  • Step 6: Create a Github App
  • Step 7: Configuration of API Key
  • Step 8: Create Auth
  • Step 9: Create Route
  • Step 10: Update Model and Controller
  • Step 11: Create Blade File

#laravel #github #security #web-development #programming

Using Github Authentication for Login with Laravel Socialite
2.55 GEEK