Imagine that you trained a regression model that can predict house prices based on the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, year built, and location. Yet you never let it go public for other people to actually use it for real-world predictions.

Or, maybe you created a time series forecasting model; anyone interested can just drag & drop a csv file on the web and see forecast values in real-time without writing a single line of code.

As a data scientist, you always wanted to go beyond Jupyter notebooks & desktop environment and create products that other people can use. But something’s holding you back.

That is, you thought you needed to learn HTML, CSS, JS, Flask, Django — name it — so you can create and deploy an app into the wild. You actually aren’t wrong. People generally think that a data scientist needs to be a unicorn who is a “Jack of all trade”. Remember the famous data science Venn Diagram?

#streamlit #machine-learning #web-app-development #data-science #web-development

Creating a Web App with Streamlit: Getting Started
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