A distributed system can always be scaled in a 3D space, and we need to scale the distributed system to manage the load and having high availability of the website.

I have heard the below questions many times

**‘How do I scale Microservices?’ **


‘What type of Scaling does Microservices unlock?’

So, I thought to write a crisp article on the Scaling.

A distributed system can always be scaled in a 3D space, i.e., X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis, and we need to scale the distributed system to manage the load and having high availability of the website, and of course, managing the cost in an efficient manner by maintaining servers/other resources optimum way.

The 3 Axes

X-axis offers to spawn the environment based on the load, the old way of scaling distributed system that is behind a load balancer increase instances. It offers infinite scaling.

Y-axis offers scaling by isolated the business functionality, aka, functional decomposition, so if a function has more load/usage/priority than the other functionality, we only scale that function and managing the cost of resources optimized manner. It offers infinite scaling of a particular function, however, total decomposition is finite but can be increased as function increases.

#tutorial #microservice #scaling microservices

Microservices and Scaling Strategy
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