What’s New in Angular 12

Anticipated Features and Benefits of the Next Angular Release

Leverage Full Framework Capabilities with Zone.js Opt-Out

Angular is going to design and implement a plan to make Zone.js optional from Angular applications. This simplifies the framework, improves debugging, and reduce application bundle size.

Leverage Full Framework Capabilities with Zone.js Opt-Out

Angular is going to design and implement a plan to make Zone.js optional from Angular applications. This simplifies the framework, improves debugging, and reduce application bundle size.

Reducing Framework Overheard by Removing Legacy

Angular plans remove the legacy View Engine for smaller Angular conceptual overhead, smaller package size, lower maintenance cost, and lower codebase complexity.

Improve Test Times and Automatic Test Environment Tear Down

By changing the TestBed to automatically clean up and tear down the test environment after each test run, developers can improve test time and create better isolation across tests.

Improve Build Performance With ngc as a tsc Plug-In Distribution

Distributing the Angular compiler as a plugin of the TypeScript compiler is forecasted to improve developers’ build performance and substantially reduce maintenance costs.

Support Adding Directives to Host Elements

A long-standing feature request for the ability to add directives to host elements. The feature allows developers to augment their components with different behaviors without using inheritance.

Simplified Angular Mental Model with Optional NgModules

Future Angular editions make NgModules optional that simplifies the learning journey. This work allows developers to develop standalone components and implement an alternative API for declaring the component’s compilation scope.

Ergonomic Component Level Code-Splitting APIs

A common problem of web applications is a slow initial load time. A way to improve it is to apply more granular code-splitting on a component level. Developing more ergonomic code-splitting APIs encourages this practice.

Wijmo has supported Angular since the very beginning with Angular 1 (AngularJS). We are committed to providing Angular developers a powerful toolset for building enterprise-grade applications.

What’s New in Angular 12
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