In this article, we will learn about an approach with which we will build a SUPER-FAST Repository Implementation using all the latest libraries and concepts. We will be implementing Repository Pattern with Caching and Hangfire in ASP.NET Core along with Onion Architecture just to make sure our code is well organized and be readily used in any random project. You can find the source code of this implementation here.

The Requirement

Let’s have a simple ASP.NET Core 3.1 WebAPI that does CRUD operations over a Customer Entity. That’s quite simple, yeah? But we will try to make this API return much faster than it would do traditionally. How can we achieve this? Caching, of-course. The first question is where would you implement caching? The ideal layer would be to couple it somehow with the Repository layer, so that every time you work with the Repository Layer, your results are being cached.

The other requirement is to implement a generic caching where-in the user can have the flexibility to use different caching techs like In-Memory, Redis, and so on. Finally, let’s integrate caching with Hangfire so that it runs in the background at specific triggers.

So, the idea is simple. We will build a traditional Repository Pattern along with the DBContext of Entity Framework Core. Every time a user requests for Customer data, we need to check if it already exists in the cache, else retrieve it from DB and cache it. And whenever someone deletes or modifies a record, the cached data should get invalidated and recached. Caching again may take some time. Thus, we set this caching process as a background job. Simple? Let’s get started!

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Repository Pattern with Caching and Hangfire in ASP.NET Core
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