Tailwind CSS is a popular utility-first CSS framework used by hundreds of thousands of web developers all over the world. The new methodology of working with classes and styles can make building user interfaces easier and faster. In this guide you will learn how to reduce the final size of the Tailwind CSS file by using PurgeCSS and make your website load faster.

By default, the uncompressed file size of Tailwind CSS is 2413.4kB, minified it is 1967.4kB, minified and compressed using Gzip it’s 190.2kB, and when compressed with Brotli it’s 46.2kB. In comparison, the uncompressed file size of Bootstrap CSS is only 143kB. So you might ask, why is it so large? Can I reduce the size of it? The answer is yes, definitely!

Learn how to use PurgeCSS and remove the unused classes from Tailwind CSS and reduce the final size of Tailwind CSS in your project by reading the guide on Themesberg.


How to reduce the file size of Tailwind CSS using PurgeCSS?
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