A recent report by The Economic Times mentioned that BMW developed a data hub with AWS to boost efficiency. The report says, “around 5000 BMW employees will be trained to use AWS technologies to make better use of data.” The advent of technology has brought visible changes in the process of doing business. Big data and predictive analytics has had a great impact on industries.

Gartner’s definition says that big data is high-volume, high-velocity, and a high variety of information assets, the 3 Vs. These large volumes of complex data cannot be handled in traditional ways. Big data is used to get insights, detect threats, predict trends that enable optimal production.

The human brain has never had the privilege of being error-free. Isn’t that why we are more inclined towards technology – a platform that provides immaculate results. Well, the truth differs. Everything comes with its own risk. So does big data. To get clarity, let us see what problems are associated with big data.


Is Your Data Consistent?

Biases in Data Algorithms

How to Make Things Better?

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How Reliable Is Big Data in Today's Business World
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