Learn how to build a simple to-do app in React using functional components and state management.

React is one of the most popular and simple JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces (UIs) because it allows you to create reusable UI components.

Components in React are independent, reusable pieces of code that serve as building blocks for an application. React functional components are JavaScript functions that separate the presentation layer from the business logic. According to the React docs, a simple, functional component can be written like:

function Welcome(props) {

  return <h1>Hello, {props.name}</h1>;


React functional components are stateless. Stateless components are declared as functions that have no state and return the same markup, given the same props. State is managed in components with hooks, which were introduced in React 16.8. They enable the management of state and the lifecycle of functional components. There are several built-in hooks, and you can also create custom hooks.

This article explains how to build a simple to-do app in React using functional components and state management. The complete code for this app is available on GitHub and CodeSandbox.

#react #javascript

Build a To-Do List App in React with Hooks
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