App features will no longer work as is deleted by the free hosting due to high usage. Do not create any issue related to that. If you are facing in problem in setting up feel free to mail me at
A flutter project with Implementation of a Contacts app in 4 ways (API, Custom, Preferences and Sqflite). It consist some common operations like create, edit , search and view operations on Contacts. Contacts in this project are not linked with the contacts stored in your Smart phone.
Host the sample included inside phpbackend on preferred web hosting
Create Tables inside your database using contacts.sql
If you are using your own website with the steps mentioned above edit the following constant inside constants.dart
static const String _CONTACT_API_BASE_URL = “”;
Make sure to edit DatabaseConnection.php and change following things If you are using the files available in phpbackend-
private $host = “your_host”; private $db_name = “your_database_name”; private $username = “your_user_name”; private $password = “your_password”;
Make Sure to Use your own Google Place Search API key edit the following constant inside constants.dart
App is Working on Android and Ios Platforms.
App Implemented in 4 Ways For all the Operations Available in the App
-> API = Integrate REST APIs Created In PHP Postman Collection Link for REST APIs
-> Custom = Used Classes and Objects
-> Preferences = Used Shared Preferences
-> Sqflite = Used Sqlite Database
Rest APIs in PHP
Navigation Drawer
Contacts List
Deleted Contacts List
Create Contact
Contact Details
Edit Contact
Search Contacts
Floating Action Button
Hero Animation
Google Place Search
Author: harsh159357
#flutter #dart