A Flexible and Fun Javascript File Upload Library


A JavaScript library that can upload anything you throw at it, optimizes images for faster uploads, and offers a great, accessible, silky smooth user experience.

21 KB gzipped. FilePond adapters are available for React, Vue, Angular and jQuery

FilePond is maintained by Rik Schennink

Core Features

  • Accepts directories, files, blobs, local URLs, remote URLs and Data URIs.
  • Drop files, select on filesystem, copy and paste files, or add files using the API.
  • Async uploads with AJAX, supports chunk uploads, can encode files as base64 data and send along form post.
  • Accessible, tested with AT software like VoiceOver and JAWS, navigable by Keyboard.
  • Image optimization, automatic image resizing, cropping, filtering, and fixes EXIF orientation.
  • Responsive, automatically scales to available space, is functional on both mobile and desktop devices.

Learn more about FilePond

Also need Image Editing?

Doka.js is what you’re looking for. It’s a Modern JavaScript Image Editor, Doka supports setting crop aspect ratios, resizing, rotating, cropping, and flipping images. Above all, it integrates beautifully with FilePond.

Learn more about Doka

FilePond Plugins



Quick Start

Install using npm:

npm install filepond

Then import in your project:

import * as FilePond from 'filepond';

// Create a multi file upload component
const pond = FilePond.create({
    multiple: true,
    name: 'filepond'

// Add it to the DOM

Or get it from a CDN:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FilePond from CDN</title>

  <!-- Filepond stylesheet -->
  <link href="https://unpkg.com/filepond/dist/filepond.css" rel="stylesheet">


  <!-- We'll transform this input into a pond -->
  <input type="file" class="filepond">

  <!-- Load FilePond library -->
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/filepond/dist/filepond.js"></script>

  <!-- Turn all file input elements into ponds -->


Getting started with FilePond


The locale folder contains different language files, PR’s are welcome, you can use locale files like this:

import pt_BR from 'filepond/locale/pt-br.js';



At the moment test coverage is not great, it’s around 65%. To accept pull requests the tests need to be better, any help to improve them is very much appreciated.

Tests are based on Jest and can be run with npm run test

To build the library run npm run build


Browser Compatibility

FilePond is compatible with a wide range of desktop and mobile browsers, the oldest explicitly supported browser is IE11, for best cross browser support add FilePond Polyfill and Babel polyfill to your project.

FilePond uses BrowserStack for compatibility testing.

Download Details:

Author: pqina

Demo: https://pqina.nl/filepond/

Source Code: https://github.com/pqina/filepond


A Flexible and Fun Javascript File Upload Library
3.00 GEEK