How to stop Javadoc from using fully qualified name?

I'm using the Javadoc tool to document some code, and the results uses fully qualified names for system classes, such as java.lang.String. Is there a way to stop that specifically for classes in the java.* and javax.* heirarchy?

For example, a method definition like this:

    * @param field String to write.
    * @throws IOException If the underlying stream throws an exception.
   public void writeField( String field ) throws IOException {
      // etc.

Produces Javadoc output like this:


public void writeField​(java.lang.String field) throws


field - String to write.
Throws: - If the underlying stream throws an exception.

I’d like the reference to java.lang.String to be just String, and the reference to likewise to be just IOException.

Any ideas?


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