Creating REST API with Python and Flask: Web development with Python and flask part 6

Leave a Comment / FlaskPythonWeb Developemnt / By winston23 / May 7, 2021 / APIflaskREST API

Views: 265

An API, which stands for Application Programming Interface, is just what its name suggests it is. It’s an Interface for other application programs. Meaning it helps connect different programs and machines to access and share data. An interface is just a medium facilitating the access of certain functionality or an intermediary between two systems. In the post about REST here, we gave an example of connecting to a Facebook graph API to access Facebook user information to log in a user to a third-party application.

Get the code for this blog post from my github repository

REST ,an acronym for Representational State Transfer, is just a style guide for creating these APIs.We have a complete and indepth post here discussing what REST is, read it to have a clear understanding about that topic(REST) before continuing.

In this tutorial we will be looking at how we can create our own REST API in Python using flask micro-framework.

Table of Content

  • A brief introduction to flask and its installation
  • Why flask?
  • Creating and connecting to sqlite3 database
  • Creating our API endpoints
  • Creating the **CRUD **operations functionality for our API
  • Testing our endpoint with postman
  • Conclusion

#flask #python #web developemnt #api #flask #rest api

Creating REST API with Python and Flask: Web development with Python and flask part 6
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