Going over my top 5 reasons why F# will be great for machine learning and data science projects in 2021.

00:00​ Intro
00:32​ Libraries
02:11​ Type System
03:17​ Tooling
04:09​ General purpose language
04:32​ Community

Links mentioned:

FsLab upgrade discussion - https://github.com/fslaborg/FsLab/dis…

Machine Learning standup with Don - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DNWL…

FSharp.Data - https://fsprojects.github.io/FSharp.D…

Ionide - https://ionide.io/

.NET Interactive - https://github.com/dotnet/interactive

F## Slack - https://fsharp.org/guides/slack/

F## Mentorship Program - https://fsharp.org/mentorship/index.html

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrDke-1ToEZOAPDfrPGNdQw

#f# #machine-learning

5 Reasons Why F# is Great for Data Science and Machine Learning in 2021
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