Native desktop development has changed since the dominance of Windows in the early days of personal computing. According to Statcounter, Windows still holds a comfortable 76% market share on individual desktop operating systems, the other 24% is split between operating systems such as macOS at 17%, and Linux variants holding the remaining 7%. Developers can miss one in four potential users by targeting their applications to be Windows-only. Even riskier when targeting macOS or Linux only.

Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Operating System Market Share

The ever-growing variety in target platforms means developers have to make difficult decisions when choosing their technology stack. Luckily for .NET developers, the options for multi-targeting technologies continue to get better while still adopting the ideas and approaches that worked previously for Windows-only development.

Here at JetBrains, we continue to look over the landscape of technology options available to native application developers. We are excited about improving our .NET tool offerings, like ReSharper and Rider, to help assist in a more enjoyable development experience and meet everyday developers’ needs.

One of those technologies that we’ve worked very hard on adding support for is Avalonia. This article will show what features are part of ReSharper and Rider and how they can make authoring cross-platform native applications more enjoyable.

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ReSharper & Rider Improvements For Avalonia
1.55 GEEK