I miss using the Purikura machines with my friends in the Japanese inspired arcades because not only were they super fun, but there were a ton of cute and colorful digital stickers that I could throw onto a picture of my friends and I. As someone who loves cute anime characters and pixelated art, I wish all of my selfies or professional video chats could be as cute as the pictures on a Purikura machine.

Then I realized - I know how to code, so making a pretty overlay for a video IS possible!

In this article, we’ll use Twilio Video’s JavaScript SDK to give us a video that we can “draw” over with HTML and CSS. This is an introduction to an app that you can expand on to empower yourself and your friends from home - kind of like a cute mirror you never had!

#javascript #html #css #web-development #developer

How to Add a Pretty Overlay in Twilio Video
2.15 GEEK