Given an array arr[] of length N, the task is to find the median of the differences of all pairs of the array elements.


_Input: _arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}

_Output: _1


The difference of all pairs from the given array are {2 – 1, 3 – 2, 4 – 3, 3 – 1, 4 – 2, 4 – 1} = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3}.

Since the array contains 6 elements, the median is the element at index 3 of the difference array.

Therefore, the answer is 1.

_Input: _arr[] = {1, 3, 5}

_Output: _2

Explanation:_ The difference array is {2, 2, 4}. Therefore, the median is 2._

Naive Approach: The task is to generate all possible pairs from the given array and calculate the difference of every pair in the array arr[] and store them in the array diff[]. Sort diff[] and find the middle element.

Time Complexity:_ O(N2*log(N2))_

Auxiliary Space:_ O(N2)_

Efficient Approach: The above approach can be optimized using Binary Search and Sorting. Follow the below steps to solve the problem:

  • Sort the given array.

  • Initialize low=0 and high=arr[N-1]-arr[0].

  • Calculate mid equal to (low + high) / 2.

  • Calculate the number of differences less than mid. If it exceeds the median index of the difference array, [ceil(N * (N – 1) / 2)], then update **high **as mid – 1. Otherwise, update **low **as mid + 1.

  • Repeat the above steps until **low **and high becomes equal.

  • Below is the implementation above approach:

  • C++

  • // C++ Program to implement

  • // the above approach

  • #include <bits/stdc++.h>

  • #define ll long long

  • **using** **namespace** std;

  • // Function check if mid can be median 

  • // index of the difference array

  • **bool** possible(ll mid, vector<ll>& a)

  • {

  • // Size of the array

  • ll n = a.size();

  • // Total possible no of pair

  • // possible

  • ll total = (n * (n - 1)) / 2;

  • // The index of the element in the

  • // differece of all pairs

  • // from the array

  • ll need = (total + 1) / 2;

  • ll count = 0;

  • ll start = 0, end = 1;

  • // Count the number of pairs

  • // having difference <= mid

  • **while** (end < n) {

  • **if** (a[end] - a[start] <= mid) {

  • end++;

  • }

  • **else** {

  • count += (end - start - 1);

  • start++;

  • }

  • }

  • // If the difference between end

  • // and first element is less then

  • // or equal to mid

  • **if** (end == n && start < end

  • && a[end - 1] - a[start] <= mid) {

  • ll t = end - start - 1;

  • count += (t * (t + 1) / 2);

  • }

  • // Checking for the no of element less than

  • // or equal to mid is greater than median or

  • // not

  • **if** (count >= need)

  • **return** **true**``;

  • **else**

  • **return** **false**``;

  • }

  • // Function to calculate the median

  • // of differences of all pairs

  • // from the array

  • ll findMedian(vector<ll>& a)

  • {

  • // Size of the array

  • ll n = a.size();

  • // Initialising the low and high

  • ll low = 0, high = a[n - 1] - a[0];

  • // Binary search

  • **while** (low <= high) {

  • // Calculate mid

  • ll mid = (low + high) / 2;

  • // If mid can be the median

  • // of the array

  • **if** (possible(mid, a))

  • high = mid - 1;

  • **else**

  • low = mid + 1;

  • }

  • // Returning the median of the

  • // differences of pairs from

  • // the array

  • **return** high + 1;

  • }

  • // Driver Code

  • **int** main()

  • {

  • vector<ll> a = { 1, 7, 5, 2 };

  • sort(a.begin(), a.end());

  • cout << findMedian(a) << endl;

  • }

  • Output:

  • Time Complexity:_ O(N*log(M)), where N is the number of elements and M is the maximum difference among pairs of elements of array._
  • Auxiliary Space:_ O(1)_
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#arrays #mathematical #searching #binary search #frequency-counting #median-finding

Median of difference of all pairs from an Array
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