NumPy Products

In the process of finding the product of a certain set of values, we are multiplying them with each other and what we receive at the end is the product. In order to find the product of elements in an array we can use the prod() function.

Let us take an example:

Here in this example, we are getting the product of the values present in the array. Now we will take another example where we will take two arrays to find their product.

Product Over an Axis

Now in order to get the product of arrays individually, we will use the axis. If we specify the axis to be one, then it will give us a product of each array as a result.

let us take an example to understand it better:

Cumulative Product

In order to take the product of the elements in the array partially, we will use the cumulative product. As a result of this product, every value will be the product of the value itself and the values behind it. We will use the cumprod() function of this product.

let us take an example to understand in a better manner:

Here in this example, we see at the end we get the partial product of the elements in the array. Let take another example where we will use the axis.

#programming #python #numpy #numpy universal functions #ufuncs #function

Products - NumPy uFuncs (Python Tutorial) - WTMatter
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