What are conditional statements in Python? How to implement if, Else, and Elif statements, switch case and Pass in Python?

In this course, while exploring the Python Bitwise Operators, Python Boolean Operators and Python Comparison Operators, you must have noticed one thing: the conditional statements. In the examples in which we dealt with these operators, the operators were absorbed inside “if “, “else-if ” and other conditional statements in python. These are called conditional statements because they represent the conditions similar to the diamond box in the flowchart depiction. This post will explore various conditional statements in Python. Additionally, we will understand their usage, examples, and comparisons with other languages if any. The table of contents is as follows:

  • What is a Conditional Statement in Python?If Conditional Statement in Python.
  • Else Statement in Python.
  • Elif Conditional Statement in Python.
  • Python Cascaded If Statements
  • Switch Case in Python.
  • Python Pass Statement.

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Conditional Statements in Python - If, Else, Elif, and Switch Case
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