Starting with Kubernetes 1.20, released on December 8th, developers have received a warning that Kubernetes is deprecating Docker. This means that Kubernetes officially ceases to support the Docker tech stack, as you can already see in the release notes on GitHub.

The news wasn’t a big surprise. The Kubernetes development team had been planning and preparing this step for three years, so it was only a matter of time. Since Kubernetes was originally developed to orchestrate Docker containers, many Kubernetes users probably didn’t like this.

But, don’t panic! Let’s see what this really means.

To make things clear

Let’s clear it up from the beginning. Kubernetes will continue to run Docker images. Docker images are fully compatible with the OCI (Open Container Initiative), regardless of where you host them. Kubernetes might continue to run container clusters in other ways, but Docker images will be able to run on Kubernetes clusters just like they did by now.

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Kubernetes Is Deprecating Docker Support—What Does This Mean
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