Innovative technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

are essential enablers of digital transformation. The unique ability to distill all complex data into knowledge, along with judgment (AI) and mechanical rules (ML) undoubtedly makes these technologies stand apart.

In order to perform any specific task, AI and ML get to the atom of every job and get it done with comparative ease. In this way, rule-based work separates from knowledge-based work, which typically depends on critical thinking and decision-making skills. This process not only disrupts the current organizational working practices, but also improves the customer experience by reducing time, human resources required, and budget.

For instance: AI and ML, along with Data Science, create Inductive Logic

programming (ILPs) efficient for image and voice recognition. An ILP is the backbone of chatbots. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another specific case, which accurately illustrates a fundamental change in digital technology.

RPAs are software robots that first learn and then mimic and perform rule-based tasks. They easily interact with any computer application or system with 100% accuracy.

As AI and cognitive computing together erase out the demarcation between the digital and physical worlds, making cognitive systems think, observe, assimilate and learn like humans.

It properly understands the human inputs via Natural Language Processing (NLP) and replies using Dialog Management.

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