This Edureka Angular Full Course video will help you understand and learn the fundamentals of Angular. This Angular Tutorial is ideal for both beginners as well as professionals who want to master various concepts of Angular. Below are the topics covered in this Angular Tutorial for Beginners:

  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:03:48 Traditional web applications
  • 00:04:54 Single-page applications
  • 00:06:25 What is Angular?
  • 00:06:48 Difference between AngularJS and Angular
  • 00:07:59 Who uses Angular & why is it so popular?
  • 00:10:04 What is new in Angular 8?
  • 00:11:35 Angular Architecture
  • 00:13:32 Installing VS Code and Angular
  • 00:29:18 Typescript
  • 01:04:41 Building Blocks of Angular
  • 02:07:28 What is Data Binding?
  • 02:08:02 One Way and Two Way Data Binding
  • 02:19:26 What are Angular Directives and its Types
  • 02:34:10 Create Angular App
  • 02:36:52 Bootstrap and Bootstrap Embedding
  • 02:37:04 Bootstrap CDN and Using NPN
  • 02:48:40 What is DI
  • 02:49:50 Drawbacks
  • 02:50:50 Using DI as Design Pattern
  • 03:01:25 What are Angular Forms
  • 03:05:02 Reactive Forms
  • 03:18:20 Template Driven Forms
  • 03:25:53 GUI and Drawbacks
  • 03:27:10 CLI and Advantages
  • 03:28:20 Angular CLI
  • 03:29:27 Angular CLI Installation
  • 03:44:22 Top 10 Tips To Learn Angular
  • 03:56:26 Angular Projects
  • 04:39:47 Angular Interview Questions

#angular #javascript #web-development #typescript

Angular Full Course in 5 Hours | Angular Tutorial For Beginners | Angular Training
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