This tutorial also answers the Questions commonly searched on the internet

How to Generate XML and HTML files in Cypress?

How to configure HTML and XML files with cypress?

How to Integrate HTML and XML files with Cypress?

How to Generate and Merge Junit XML file using mocha Junit reporter in Cypress?

How to Configure reports into Cypress End to End Automation framework?

This article also talks about merging Junit XML file into a single file

Let’s get started.

Generating both XML and HTML reports with Screenshots and Merging all XML files in Cypress

  • Step 1: Download Required npm Packages
  • Step 2: Configure Reporters in cypress.json File
  • Step 3: Configure plugin/index.js File
  • Step 4: Add an Entry Into support/index.js
  • Step 5: Run Your Test
  • Step 6: Viewing HTML File

#html #typescript #junit #testing and qa #beginner #step by step guide

7 Easy Steps to Generate Both XML and HTML Reports
1.40 GEEK