Metrics play quite an important role in the field of Machine Learning or Deep Learning. We start the problems with metric selection as to know the baseline score of a particular model. In this blog, we look into the best and most common metrics for Multi-Label Classification and how they differ from the usual metrics.

Let me get into what is Multi-Label Classification just in case you need it. If we have data about the features of a dog and we had to predict which breed and pet category it belonged to.

In the case of Object Detection, Multi-Label Classification gives us the list of all the objects in the image as follows. We can see that the classifier detects 3 objects in the image. It can be made into a list as follows [1 0 1 1] if the total number of trained objects are 4 ie. [dog, human, bicycle, truck].

#metrics #object-detection #multilabel-classifier #machine-learning #image-recognition

Metrics for Multi-Label Classification
1.20 GEEK