Magento 2 Affiliate and Referral Program Extension is highly customizable and completely filled with features. The store admins can permits affiliate customers to promote referral code, website referral URL, voucher details, link by email and via social media handles. The Magento 2 Customer Referral Module allows store owner to show Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest social media handles for promoting a referral link.
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Affiliate customers can get fixed or percentage-based referral amount in return. The Affiliate users can redeem their referral amount by sending payout request. Customers can ask for a voucher code or send a request to get the amount. Magento 2 Affiliate and Referral Extension displays a interface on which affiliates can view the affiliate commission amount, redeemed commission and pending commission. Admin can also view the status of referrals and payout details. Affiliate customers can get the voucher code immediately on sending a request for the voucher.

**Key Features of this Magento 2 Affiliate and Referral Module: **

  • ECommerce store owners can now permits the customers to become an affiliate and share the website to their knowns, family and relatives.
  • The users can become an affiliate and get a commission on every successful share.
  • Store owner can use the Magento 2 Customer Referral module for multi-level promotion for promoting the website and enhancing website revenue.
  • The Magento 2 Affiliate and Referral Program Module allows various customers to register as an affiliate and grab a commission.
  • Magento 2 Affiliate and Referral Program Extension is mobile responsive and provides excellent user experience.
  • Admin can count referral on new customer listing, order completion or both of it.
  • The Magento 2 Affiliate and Referral Module offers a list of affiliate customers. Admin can adjust the affiliate status, referral rate and also generate specific vouchers with validity details.
  • The store admin can also see the referral list in which he can view the referred users information like mail id, referral type, referral amount and status.
  • This Referral and affiliate marketing module for Magento 2 provides voucher listing in which he can view details of produced vouchers and also enforce conditions if needed.
  • The affiliate can request for payout and ask for payment or vouchers from the affiliate interface.
  • The Affiliate and referral module for Magento 2 is mobile responsive and provides a user-friendly panel.

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Magento 2 Affiliate and Referral Program extension | Multi-level marketing | Knowband
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