In this tutorial, we are going to create responsive Login & Signup UI screens using the Bootstrap 4 CSS framework in the Vue.js application.

We will create a Login screen, Sign up screen, and Forgot Password screen from scratch.

Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS based UI framework, and It is used for rapid front-end development. It offers plenty of UI components that are 100% responsive and can work on any device size smoothly. It contains CSS- and JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.

Vue.js is a robust progressive open-source JavaScript framework, and It is used use by web developers for creating excellent user interfaces and single-page applications. It makes app development quite simple and straightforward. The primary factor of Vue is that it is lightweight, flexible, modular, and highly performant.

Let’s start creating Login and Registration user-interface templates for Vue.js.

#vue #vuejs #bootstrap 4

Create Login Signup UI Screens in Vue.js with Bootstrap 4
133.35 GEEK