We also dive briefly into the Drop Check rabbit hole (https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nom… ) before coming back up for air.

This is definitely a more technically advanced stream than some of the earlier ones, and may be a little harder to follow. I apologize for that in advance! Please do leave questions here or on Discord and I’ll try to help explain what’s going on.

You can find the final code at https://gist.github.com/jonhoo/7cfdfe…

0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:11 Discord
0:02:31 Agenda
0:03:50 Interior Mutability
0:07:47 Cell
0:23:39 Trying to Test Cell
0:40:17 UnsafeCell
0:41:21 RefCell
0:54:21 RefCell Smart Pointer
1:06:27 Rc (reference counted ptr)
1:23:49 NonNull
1:31:55 PhantomData and Drop Check
1:44:25 ?Sized Briefly
1:47:30 Thread Safety
1:54:20 Copy-on-Write (Cow)

☞ Crust of Rust: Lifetime Annotations
☞ Crust of Rust: Declarative Macros
☞ Crust of Rust: Iterators
☞ Crust of Rust: Smart Pointers and Interior Mutability
☞ Crust of Rust: Channels

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Crust of Rust: Smart Pointers and Interior Mutability
3.25 GEEK