Internet of Things (IoT) has become one of the most emerging technologies that boost the manufacturing industry. It defines the network of physical objects integrated with sensors, apps, and other technology in order to communicate and share data over the Internet with other systems.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) represents the usage of the Internet of Things in industrial industries and applications. By leveraging machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity, big data, and machine learning, IIoT allows industries to achieve greater performance and quality in their production processes.

Manufacturers are turning to the IIoT as it represents a powerful weapon in their attempts to scale more efficiently. This transition is motivated by the need for companies to use emerging technology to strategically produce positive results.

Initially, IIoT offers many ways to improve the functionality of simple production processes. However, there’s much more than that. The advantages of IIoT include generating efficiencies in the supply chain to designing technologies and models that can contribute to sales growth. This potential for development comes from the ability to identify activities in actual product use and leverage them in the production process to add more value.

For example, digital products can collect data that the manufacturer can use to further optimize the product. What is more, they can use these insights to identify new business opportunities.

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DevOps for Industrial IoT — Why and How?
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