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This is a simple Continues deployment process that triggers the deployment on the required environment based on which directory you uploaded to S3 bucket using the following AWS tools

  • CloudFormation
  • CodeDeploy
  • Lambda, SAM
  • S3

I won’t also put the Slack (SNS, Lambda, Slack configs ) since there will be creating another post for that

Note Also that this is utilizing code deploy so you have to upload the revision following this official documentation


  • I have created this implementation for the use under Condor Tech and was published after their permission

Create the AWS CodeDeploy stack:

  • AWS CodeDeploy first block is the application, and every app contains DeploymentGroup (one model is to have each Group to deploy on a specific environment like one for dev, and one for staging….etc)
  • First, create the application
  • Then create the DeploymentGroup

Creating the deployment Lambda:

  • You can choose whatever the way you are comfortable with to create the lambda but in the following example I am using AWS SAM
  • If you used SAM you will have an empty project so here is the template that will create the Lambda, the S3 bucket, and the IAM Role that will be used by the Lambda
  • I am referring to slack SNS in the template which I use it to invoke the other lambda to send the notification to it and then to slack

#continuous-delivery #codedeploy #aws-lambda #aws-sam #python3 #aws

One way to utilize Lambda, CodeDeploy, S3 For your continuous development
2.05 GEEK