Most people have this misconception that you need to be working for like 10 years or longer to become a Senior developer, it isn’t always the case, traditionally yes 10 yrs of working no matter which field you choose would be the practical definition, but in this everchanging world, along with the human brain evolution, we should be progressing with our reasoning.
If the definition would be the years you’ve spent then every 11 years old who started learning how to program then becomes a Senior Developer by 21? I think it is just a human’s laziness that made it that way, by default people tend to choose what is easy instead of what it should be, I’m guilty myself but it is a habit we need to change, we need to stop defining a senior developer as having 10 years or more of working, instead, we should define it by the skills, experience, knowledge, character, and its relationship to others.

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When Exactly Can You Call Yourself A Senior Developer
1.10 GEEK