Cybersecurity roles are expected to grow 750% in the next five years [1][2], now, if you are expecting that colleges, companies, and governments bridge the knowledge gap to fulfill those jobs, you’ve learned nothing from tech-history.

Those more than 5 million future jobs will be filled by high-driven individuals looking for a $99,730 yearly median-salary, in the US. [1][3]

But besides job stability and good earnings potential, there are plenty of good reasons to engage in a cyber-security related career:

  • Work for a socially responsible organization: Companies that invest resources in cybersecurity are, potentially, better intentioned in protecting their customer’s interests, they care for the organization long-term sustainability, have a defined vision, follow superior ethical practices, and generally are nicer people to work with.
  • Challenging projects and transferable skills: In the current tech innovation wave, the industries experiencing the highest growth are, unsurprisingly, the most regulated ones: Fin-Tech, Health Care, and shortly Government. Regulations involve meeting compliance requirements, auditing, and handling sensitive data, where the incentives for cyber-attacks are considerably larger. Curious individuals will like to learn that the strategies employed in one industry can be adapted to other industries, giving you great mobility and a variety of problems to work on.
  • Ownership and control of your output: contrary to Software Development where development is usually driven by the market, managers, or users. Security is legislated and more often than not, logical, there is an established “right” way to operate, while still allowing plenty of creativity and innovation with a rapidly evolving scenery involving Machine Learning bots and tools to help manage and monitor cloud infrastructure.

The industries experiencing the highest growth are, unsurprisingly, the most regulated ones.

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Photo by Kushagra Kevat on Unsplash

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