Top 14 Best to-do Manager Built with Flutter

Flutter Todo App

A to-do manager built with flutter

"Flutter Todo App"

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To Do List

I’ve always used to-do lists, and since I didn’t knew what to do as my first independent Dart/Flutter project, I’ve chosen to create my own to-do list app, so, here it is. It’s very simple, but it helped me to understand and put into practice a lot of things, that before this project, I’ve had only learned thorugh theory or coding along with coruses.

"To Do List"


  • Users can create their own tasks by clicking on the ‘+’ buttons.
  • You can mark a task as done by cliking on it (check it).
  • When creating a task you may choose to add a deadline, including only a date or a date and a time.
  • You can edit tasks by clicking on the pen button.
  • You can delete a task by sliding it from right to left.

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Flutter Todog

A new Flutter project.Flutter assignment: build a todo app


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Flutter Blue Diary

Lightweight & effective Todo app with Flutter and BLoC pattern
A lightweight & effective Todo app made with Flutter. Supports English and Korean.

"Blue Diary"

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Flutter Todolist

A Flutter based to do list app (yes, another to do list… but… this time based on a beautiful design)

"Flutter Todolist"

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Todonotes - Flutter

A Todo Notes Application developed with flutter, with basic functionalities to write quick Notes.

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Tasker Flutter

A simple todo app built with Flutter


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Do More Flutter

A good looking glorified todo list built with flutter.
"Do More"

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Flutter Tasklist

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

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Todo - Simple & Beautiful

A minimal Todo mobile app made using Flutter.

"Fluttery Todo"

Key Features

  • Easily add and remove tasks
  • Organize tasks under categories. editing.
  • Personalize task category using color and icon.

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Flutter Todo App Talk

A Flutter todo app example written for a Flutter talk
This project is part of a talk introducing Flutter to new developers.
"Flutter Todo App Talk"

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Flutter Deer

Minimalist Flutter Todo App, built using BLoC pattern
Deer uses BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern to manage app state. If you want to use Streams in your Flutter project, then I think this is the way to go. BLoC plays exceptionally well with Flutter’s reactive nature, especially since Flutter has built-in StreamBuilder widget.


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Flutter Todolist

A Mobile Application to learn about Flutter development

"Flutter Todolist"

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Flutter Ui Challenge Todo

A showcase flutter todo application.
"Flutter Ui Challenge Todo"

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#flutter #dart

Top 14 Best to-do Manager Built with Flutter
54.60 GEEK