I am pleased to announce that Spring Batch 4.3.0-RC1 is now available from our milestone repository.

What’s New?

This release comes with a number of new features that you can find in the release notes, but here are the major highlights:

1. GraalVM Support

A lot of work has already been done in Spring Framework to support running some types of Spring applications on GraalVM. In this release, we made changes in Spring Batch to correctly run Batch applications on GraalVM as well.

The support is still experimental, so we encourage you to give the release a try and share your feedback.

2. Java Records Support

Records have been introduced in Java 14 and reviewed in Java 15, which was released a few days ago. In this release, we added support for using Java records as items in chunk-oriented steps. The following example shows how to use records to read data from a flat file. Consider the following persons.csv file and Person record:

1,William Shakespeare
2,Anne Hathaway
public record Person(int id, String name) { }


Spring Batch 4.3.0-RC1 available now!
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