
Mahara is an open-source ePortfolio and social networking system that bills itself as a “learner-centered personal learning environment.” Mahara is especially popular in academic institutions where it provides learners a platform to curate and share their knowledge and growth. In a remote learning environment, Mahara can help educators foster a digital classroom and organize a student’s progress. Unlike more a traditional Learning Management Systems (LMS), Mahara is more distributed and user-focused. This amount of user creativity contrasts other, more institutional systems.

Mahara also has many non-student applications. You can use it to build a blog, a resume-builder, a file-repository, or a competency framework.

In this guide, you will install Mahara and configure it to use a Postgres database as an authentication source. Upon completion, you will have administrative access to a server-based ePortfolio.


How To Install and Configure Mahara on Ubuntu 18.04
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