A Little Tool to Bootstrap Deno Plugins


a little tool to bootstrap deno plugins


install the script as a command line tool

deno install \
  --allow-env \
  --allow-read \
  --allow-write \
  --name=create-deno-plugin \


create-deno-plugin --async ./my-plugin
cd ./my-plugin
cargo build
deno test --allow-plugin --unstable

the tool scaffolds as illustrated:

|-- my-plugin
|   |-- .gitignore
|   |-- Cargo.toml
|   |-- src
|   |   |-- lib.rs
|   |-- mod.js
|   |-- test.js

switching on --async will include async function stubs on the rust and deno side and in the test file


create-deno-plugin v0.3.0

blueprints a deno plugin

USAGE: create-deno-plugin [OPTIONS] [path]

  -v, --version    print version
  -h, --help       print usage instructions
      --name       set the plugin name
      --author     set the plugin author's name
      --email      set the plugin author's email
      --async      include async function stubs
  -f, --force      overwrite existing files

  if not provided the plugin name, author and its email address will be read
  from environment variables and git config files.

  if async is not set no async function stubs will be included in lib.rs and

  NOTE: currently, you cannot use typescript wrapper modules - only vanilla js
        see https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/5525

  [path]    directory path of the new plugin
            defaults to the current working directory
            if provided but the directory does not exist it will be created

Download Details:

Author: chiefbiiko

Source Code: https://github.com/chiefbiiko/create-deno-plugin

#deno #node #nodejs #javascript

A Little Tool to Bootstrap Deno Plugins
4.25 GEEK